Tick Repellents

Angela Johnson
10 min readJun 13, 2024

Welcome, adventurers, to our exciting roundup of the top tick repellents on the market! If you’ve ever dealt with the itchy annoyance of a tick bite, you know how important it is to keep these pesky creatures at bay. We’ve scoured the web for the best tick repellents, so you can enjoy your outdoor adventures without interruption. Get ready to explore with peace of mind as we unveil our top picks!

The Top 5 Best Tick Repellents

  1. Natural Flea & Tick Yard and Kennel Spray for Dogs & Cats — Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Yard Spray: A gentle, plant-based solution for flea, tick, and mosquito control, safe for pets, families, and the environment.
  2. Long-Lasting Permethrin Insect Repellent for Outdoor Gear and Clothing — Sawyer Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent Spray — Odorless, long-lasting protection against ticks, mosquitoes, and more, perfect for outdoor adventures.
  3. Summit Tick & Flea Spray Concentrate — Summit Tick & Flea Spray Concentrate: Eliminate Ticks & Fleas, Protect Your Yard & Enjoy Outdoor Activities with Confidence.
  4. Repel Picaridin Tick Spray — Long-Lasting Protection for Outdoor Activities — Repel Tick Defense Aerosol — Effective, easy-to-apply, and gentle tick and mosquito deterrent, offering up to 10 hours of unscented protection.
  5. Black Flag Tick Spray for Home Treatment — Efficiently treat flea and tick infestations in broad areas around your home, ensuring long-lasting prevention and protection for up to 7 months, all while adhering to eco-friendly and gentle odor guidelines.

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Natural Flea & Tick Yard and Kennel Spray for Dogs & Cats

Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Yard and Kennel Spray, a natural solution for flea and tick control, offers a blend of essential oils and plant-based ingredients to keep your outdoor space pest-free. Made with peppermint oil and eugenol, this spray effectively kills fleas and flea eggs, ticks, and even repels mosquitoes. Its non-staining formula is perfect for use on various surfaces, from turf to patios.

As an easy-to-use product, the hose attachment allows for effortless application, providing up to 4,500 square feet of coverage. Safe for use around pets and people, this eco-friendly alternative is free of any harsh chemicals, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Though the spray is effective at repelling and killing fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, some users have reported their dogs may experience irritation, so it’s best to keep out of reach of children and pets. Overall, Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Yard and Kennel Spray is a great choice for pet owners seeking a natural and gentle solution to pest control in their yards.

Long-Lasting Permethrin Insect Repellent for Outdoor Gear and Clothing

Recently, I was out for a hike in the woods, and as I’m walking through, I spotted a tiny tick crawling up my leg. I had been wearing the same clothes for a couple of days, and I couldn’t help but worry that this could lead to Lyme disease. That’s when I remembered the Sawyer Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent Aerosol Spray I had received to test out.

Upon returning home, I sprayed my clothes and gear with this repellent, paying attention to the instructions, which suggested treating both sides of the garment for around 30 seconds. I made sure to keep the bottle a few inches away while spraying. The odorless, invisible layer of protection was comforting.

After a few weeks, I tried hiking again, this time without any incidents. It was comforting to know that I was less likely to be bit by ticks or mosquitoes because of this product. It wasn’t until later that I discovered the full range of uses for Sawyer’s Permethrin spray, from tents and sleeping bags to camp gear and outdoor clothing.

While the product has been highly rated by others, I can’t help but feel a little uneasy about the strength of the spray. I learned to be careful while using it, making sure not to get it on my skin or face, and waiting for it to dry before wearing anything that had been treated.

Overall, the Sawyer Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent Aerosol Spray provided me with the necessary protection against insects, making it perfect for my outdoor adventures.

Summit Tick & Flea Spray Concentrate

I’ve recently started using Summit Responsible Tick & Flea Spray Concentrate in my backyard, and I must say, it has made a noticeable difference in the tick population around my property. It’s specially formulated to kill and repel ticks, including the disease-carrying deer ticks, and fleas. I spray the tick habitats around my yard, such as along trails and paths, and have even noticed fewer mosquitoes and other pesky insects around.

One thing I appreciate about this spray is its long-lasting effectiveness. It kills ticks fast and keeps repelling them for up to four weeks, which means I don’t have to worry about applying it repeatedly. The concentration can cover up to 5,000 square feet, and it’s easy to mix in my own sprayer for a hassle-free application.

Although this spray is designed for tick and flea control, it also works well for other outdoor pests like ants, mosquitoes, and earwigs. I highly recommend Summit Tick & Flea Spray Concentrate for anyone looking to reduce the tick population and enjoy a pest-free outdoor living space.

Repel Picaridin Tick Spray — Long-Lasting Protection for Outdoor Activities


As I sprayed myself with the Repel Tick Defense Aerosol, I could already feel the bug-repelling Picaridin getting to work. The gentle scent it left behind was a welcome relief, unlike some other sprays that can be overpowering. With its 15% Picaridin content, it was great to know that this didn’t just protect me from bug bites but also treated the clothes I was wearing.

One of the best things about this product was its ease of use. Its spray dispenser made it a breeze to apply, even in hard-to-reach spots. The unscented protection it offered meant I could enjoy my time outdoors without the constant worry of bug-borne illnesses. And the fact that one 6.5 oz can was enough for weeks of protection made it a cost-effective choice, too.

However, there were a few improvements that could be made. For instance, the mist was quite heavy and could have been finer, like sunscreen sprays. This meant I used up the product a lot quicker than I would have liked. Also, it would have been ideal if the product could have lasted longer than 10 hours as advertised, but one can’t have it all.

Despite these minor drawbacks, the Repel Tick Defense Aerosol proved to be a solid product, offering effective bug protection without the harshness of DEET. Plus, its gentle picaridin formula and unobtrusive scent made it a top choice for those seeking an eco-friendly solution.

Black Flag Tick Spray for Home Treatment


I recently tried the Black Flag Flea & Tick, Home Treatment and I must say it has been a game-changer when it comes to dealing with these pesky creatures in my home. I’ve always been weary of products like this, as I’ve had not-so-good experiences in the past. But, let me tell you, the odor from this product was far less offensive than I had anticipated.

The process of applying it was super smooth and the large quantity made it easier to tackle those hard-to-reach areas, just as they claimed. My house felt a massive change after the application, and there was noticeably fewer flea activity around my pets. Additionally, it was a relief knowing that the treatment not only eliminated active fleas and tick populations but also had the ability to prevent infestations for up to seven months.

One minor downside was the time it took to see a visible difference in flea activity, but I believe this could vary depending on the severity of the infestation. Despite this, I still felt that the benefits outweighed the waiting time.

Overall, my experience with the Black Flag Flea & Tick, Home Treatment has been pleasantly surprising. Its effectiveness, ease of application, and longevity make it a reliable choice in the fight against fleas and ticks.

Buyer’s Guide

When planning for an outdoor adventure, tick repellent is a crucial addition to your packing list. These effective products can protect you from the irritating and potentially dangerous bites of ticks. In this buyer’s guide for tick repellents, we will explore the essential features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the right tick repellent for your needs.

Types of Tick Repellents

There are various types of tick repellents available on the market, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Some common types include natural repellents, insecticidal repellents, and permethrin-treated clothing. Understanding the pros and cons of each type can help you make an informed decision when choosing the right repellent for you.

Active Ingredients and their Effectiveness

Tick repellents can contain a range of active ingredients, such as DEET, picaridin, permethrin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus. Each ingredient has its own level of effectiveness against ticks. For a repellent to be effective, it should contain ingredients with an EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) registration. Checking the EPA’s website, you’ll find listings of products with registered active ingredients and their respective efficacy against ticks.

Safety and Environmental Concerns

Some tick repellents contain ingredients that pose environmental or health concerns. Be mindful of these issues when choosing a product. Look for repellents with lower toxicity levels, or choose plant-based or organic options for more eco-friendly alternatives. Additionally, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and responsible use to minimize potential harm to humans and the environment.

Application and Coverage Duration

The longevity of a tick repellent’s effectiveness depends on several factors, such as the user, the product, and environmental conditions. Generally, the duration of coverage ranges from a few hours to several days. Consider your outdoor activities, your personal preferences, and local tick populations when selecting a repellent with the appropriate coverage.


What is Tick Repellent?

Tick repellent is a product designed to help protect humans and animals against ticks, which are small, blood-sucking arachnids that can carry diseases such as Lyme disease. It is typically available in the form of sprays, lotions, or wipes that can be applied to the skin or clothing to repel ticks.

Most tick repellents contain ingredients that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and have been proven to be effective in repelling ticks. Some common active ingredients include DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE). It’s essential to read the label and follow the application instructions carefully to ensure optimal protection.

Are Tick Repellents Safe for Humans and Pets?

Tick repellents are generally considered safe for use by humans and pets when used according to the product label and instructions. However, it’s essential to consider the specific product and its ingredients. DEET, for example, should not be applied to young children, and certain ingredients may not be suitable for use around pets.

It’s also crucial to perform a patch test on a small area of skin or clothing first, especially for sensitive individuals or pets, to ensure that no adverse reactions occur. If you notice irritation or any other negative symptoms, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional or veterinarian as needed.

How Long Do Tick Repellents Last?

The duration of tick repellents varies depending on the specific product and the application method. Sprays and lotions are usually effective for several hours, while wipes can provide protection for several days. To ensure continuous protection, it’s essential to reapply the tick repellent as directed on the label, usually every few hours or before coming into contact with tick-infested areas.

It’s also important to note that while tick repellents can greatly reduce the risk of tick bites, they are not 100% effective. It’s still crucial to practice additional tick prevention measures, such as wearing protective clothing, avoiding wooded or grassy areas with high tick populations, and checking yourself and your pets for ticks after being outdoors.

Is Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) a Safe and Effective Tick Repellent Alternative?

Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) is a natural insect repellent that some consider a safer alternative to DEET. It has been registered with the EPA and has proven to be effective against mosquitoes and ticks, including those that carry Lyme disease. However, it should not be used on children under 3 years old, and it may not be as long-lasting as DEET-based products.

It’s essential to read the label carefully and follow the application instructions, as different OLE products may have varying effectiveness and safety levels. Additionally, it’s still crucial to practice additional tick prevention measures, such as checking for ticks after being in tick-prone areas and wearing protective clothing.

How Do I Choose the Right Tick Repellent for My Needs?

When choosing a tick repellent, consider factors such as the activity you’ll be engaging in (e. g. , hiking, gardening, camping), the climate in your region, and any health concerns or allergies. Consult the product label and read reviews to get an idea of the product’s effectiveness, duration of protection, and any potential side effects.

Additionally, consider the availability and ease of use of the tick repellent. Some products may be more readily available in your local area, while others may require online ordering. You should also consider the application method, as sprays and lotions may be easier to apply than wipes, depending on your situation.

What Are Some Additional Tick Prevention Measures I Should Take?

In addition to using a tick repellent, there are several other steps you can take to reduce your risk of tick bites. These include wearing protective clothing, such as long sleeves, pants, and socks, when in tick-prone areas; using insect-repellent gear, like hats and shoes, where appropriate; and avoiding tall grass and wooded areas where ticks are known to live.

It’s also essential to check yourself, your family, and your pets for ticks after spending time outdoors, especially in areas with high tick populations. Regularly inspecting your body can help you identify and remove any ticks before they have a chance to transmit diseases like Lyme disease. In case you find a tick on your skin, remove it promptly using fine-tipped tweezers, making sure not to crush the tick, and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms or have concerns about the tick’s removal.

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